</frame> 19822012
Zespół Szkół Sportowych  im. Olimpijczyków Śląskich w Mysłowicach
  Drużyna Inwestycji Marzeń   Mannschaft der Trauminvestition   Une Equipe D'Investissement de Reves

(Click on the image)
Click on the image
Dream Investment, that is the new gym...
Parents and sports friends, please support young athletes and their school, place where for sure there was, is or will be a member of your family. You can help us in modernization of Zespół Szkół Sportowych, an institution that has created the history of sport in "Piasek" (one of the districts in Mysłowice), for more than quarter century.
Marszałek Województwa ¦ląskiego
Fundacja Kidprotect.pl Stowarzyszenia Rodziców na Rzecz Pomocy Szkołom Przyjazna Szkoła Stowarzyszenie ¦ląskie Centrum Edukacji Sportowej

Click on the image of the selected option and join to the team of the dream investment
The construction of the new gym and the modernization of the current one
If you are interested in joining our Team of dream investment, please fill in the form which is available in the school's office.
Electronic version -   download

VARIANT 1   (Click on the image)
Click on the image
MAP   - http://www.google.pl/
(Click on the image)
Klicke bitte das Bild

IM - dream investment, that is the new gym
KOR - corridor (with sanitary facilities) which connects the school buildings
1 - the main building
2 - the smaller building (the library, the canteen, classes of youger children
3 - the old gym
The construction of the new gym on the place where the current one is
If you are interested in joining our Team of dream investment, please fill in the form which is available in the school's office.
Electronic version -   download

VARIANT 2   (Click on the image)
Click on the image
MAP   - http://www.google.pl/
(Click on the image)
Klicke bitte das Bild

IM - dream investment, that is the new gym
KOR - corridor (with sanitary facilities) which connects the school buildings
1 - the main building
2 - the smaller building (the library, the canteen, classes of youger children
3 - the old gym

On behalf of the school community
Students of the Lower Secondary School; Cupiał Mateusz, Dłubis Patryk, Jasik Angelika, Jaromin Aleksandra, Jasińska Justyna, Jureczko Wojciech, Kulpa Patrycja, Leśniewski Mateusz, Ochocka Klaudia, Pająk Dominika, Sołtysiak Patrycja, Szot Karolina, Wiśniewska Karolina, Wojciechowska Aleksandra, Zacharjasz Anna and Jarek Ślipek (teacher)

With our regards,
Zespół Szkół Sportowych im. Olimpijczyków ¦ląskich
41-400 Mysłowice, ul. Gwarków 1
tel./fax (32)2222805


Zespół Szkół Sportowych w Mysłowicach